12 Oct

Sarine’s Data and Its Revolutionary Effect on Diamond Sales

During your design consultation, our team will discuss your design ideas, review any photos you may have, and show you samples of our existing designs that can be modified to reveal your individual style. We will walk you through the necessary steps towards your ideal design and discuss what size, shape, and carat weight of the stone(s) you are looking for. During your second appointment you will view the selection of stones that our gemologists procure just for you. Once you have found the perfect diamond or stone for you, the magic can begin.

During your design consultation, our team will discuss your design ideas, review any photos you may have, and show you samples of our existing designs that can be modified to reveal your individual style. We will walk you through the necessary steps towards your ideal design and discuss what size, shape, and carat weight of the stone(s) you are looking for. During your second appointment you will view the selection of stones that our gemologists procure just for you. Once you have found the perfect diamond or stone for you, the magic can begin

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